Young Leaders Networking Events

Open to PACA Member company employees only ages 40 & Under, PELA Class Members & Alumni & YLDG Alumni

About this event

Young Leaders Networking Events

The Young Leaders Networking Events are a great way to cap the day with friendly conversation in a low-key environment. The emphasis is on networking and socializing among our up and coming industry leaders.

These events are open exclusively to PACA member company personnel only. If you know of a company that is interested in joining the PACA community, please contact Kallie Kline for appropriate arrangements.

There is a nominal registration fee to participate to cover the cost associated with the various events. Alcoholic beverage tabs are on your own - buy your favorite colleague or potential / current customer a beverage. What a great ice breaker!

Sponsors are also available to PACA member companies at $100 each. Contact Kallie Kline if you wish to sponsor.

Let Us Help


For questions regarding any of PACA's meetings/events, please contact Kallie Kline.

Email Kallie
PACA - Building and Connecting Communities