ACI Concrete Field Testing Tech Exam - Harrisburg 2025 Online Event

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  4. ACI Concrete Field Testing Tech Exam - Harrisburg 2025

Event Details

April 22nd - 23rd, 2025 Register Here

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PACA MEMBER COMPANIES - to receive the member pricing, you must establish a login profile. Please contact Tricia Lingenfield to set up your profile at [email protected].

View a list of PACA member companies HERE.


**note, even though the cancel/back/next buttons appear in as light gray, you can still click them.

Registration Contact Screen - if you are registering on behalf of someone else, please enter your own contact information (not the attendee) OR if you are registering for yourself, enter your contact information here - this address should be the COMPANY's address listing.

Select Items Screen - Select all items you (or the attendee) plan to attend / participate in.

Attendee Screen:

a. if you are registering on behalf of someone else, the default is to fill in your contact information. Delete your information and fill in the attendee's information.

b. if you are registering for yourself, your contact information will autofill.

c. if choosing multiple items, the system will default to ask for multiple attendees' contact information. Please assign multiple items to one person rather than filling in the same person's contact information multiple times by doing the following:

i) To the right of the attendee contact boxes, where is says ASSIGN ITEMS, click all the check boxes for the items that one person is participating in.

ii) Scroll down and click the red REMOVE ATTENDEE button for any remaining attendee contact boxes.

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