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Our Advocates


PACA Advocates Participate Far and Wide for the Betterment of the Industry

Associations that excel do so because of the sweat equity provided by their members and through the engagement their members achieve in the community, with policymakers, and educators.

Outreach by association members who are the experts in their fields build the connections and reputation that makes an industry great.

We sincerely appreciate and acknowledge all that the following individuals do, and the time they put in, to shape initiatives and activities that build our workforce; strengthen our safety, environmental and health practices; and deliver quality products and value to our customers - both public and private.


PACA Members Service to National Associations

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association

Lisa Stephen, Wayne Concrete - Board Member
Jason Blase, Conewago Ready Mix - Board Member

National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association

Ron Kurpiel, Hanson Aggregates - Board Member
Rod Martin, Martin Stone Quarries, Inc. - Board Member


In addition, PACA staff member, Ken Crank, participates on the planning committee that develops the curriculum for the  Pennsylvania College of Technology's Concrete Science Technology program..


Pennsylvania College of Technology


State Transportation Innovation Council

PACA staff member, Jim Casilio, P.E. participates on the State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC). The purpose of the STIC is to provide a system for innovative techniques and processes to be evaluated and implemented quickly and efficiently. STIC members include representatives from PennDOT, FHWA, the PA Turnpike Commission, local public agencies, planning partners, contractors, consultants and members of academia. The STIC group is then divided into Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) for their various specialized product lines/areas.

The Aggregate Advisory Board was created in 2014 to assist the Secretary of Environmental Protection to spend funds allocated for purposes set forth in the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act and to advise on all matters pertaining to noncoal surface mining.

The board is comprised of the DEP Secretary who serves as chair, three aggregate surface mining operators, four members of the public from the Citizens Advisory Council, one member from county conservation districts, two Senate members and two House members - one each representing the majority and minority parties.

Currently sitting on the Aggregate Advisory Board representing the industry on behalf of PACA are:

  • Tom Bryan, Bryan Materials Group
  • Paul Detwiler, III, New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc.

PACA alternates are:

  • Mike Hawbaker, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.
  • Ron Kurpiel, Hanson Aggregates, Inc.

The staff liaison is Megan Dennis.

Aggregate Advisory Board meetings are open meetings and more information is available on their website.


Aggregate Advisory Board


Aggregate Technician Certification Instructors

PACA members serve as faculty for PennDOT's Aggregate Technician Certification courses.

Representing our industry and their Association are:

  • Kurt Hanf, Hanson Aggregates
  • Tim Kindt, Pennsy Supply, Inc.
  • Mark Moyer, New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc.
  • Janki Shah, Allan Myers Materials

Through the work of these individuals and PACA staffer, Jim Casilio, P.E., PACA now offers an Aggregate Technician Reference manual available for purchase as a supplemental study publication for the certification course.

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PACA's Online e-Learning Center

This program provides free continuing education to the design and specifying communities. There are currently four courses available, ranging from 30-60 minutes focused on the cement, aggregates and concrete industries. You'll receive a certificate of completion once you pass a quiz. The bookmarking feature allows you to leave the course and resume where you left off when you return

The Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association (PACA) is the industry’s unified voice, representing more than 200 member companies across the state.