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Decorative Concrete Pool

March 04, 2021

ICF Curved Walls: How, When, Where and Why

When you think of a wall built from insulated concrete forms (ICFs), you may picture a linear design. This is understandable. The majority of ICF walls are just that. The idea of a curved ICF design may seem a bit counter-intuitive, at least at first. However, ICF radius forms are readily available. Some contractors fashion curved walls from straight ICF forms as well.

King Res 1 1

February 18, 2021

Concrete-Framed Homes: More Mainstream Than Ever

ICF residential construction is more and more attractive. ICF construction is the antidote to concerns about mold, mildew, wood rot and insects. Homeowners appreciate the peace-of-mind that concrete walls deliver. Concrete resists threats posed by high winds, wildfires and earth tremors. Maintenance costs are low to non-existent. Resilience and thermal mass reduce the environmental footprint of a structure.

Concrete 101

February 04, 2021

Inflatable Concrete? Yes, Really!

Concrete domes have been around for more than half-a-century. In general, they are very strong and aesthetically attractive. For decades, they’ve been used for everything from housing to storage.

Merion Station 4 w1200 h1200

January 21, 2021

Analysts Forecast Strong Growth in ICF Construction

Architects, designers and engineers see the benefits of ICF construction. These include safety, energy savings and longevity. For many projects, a cost-benefit analysis of ICFs is more persuasive than ever.


January 07, 2021

Graphene-Reinforced Concrete: The Possibilities

In 2004, graphene was first isolated by researchers at the UK’s University of Manchester. Professors Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov received a Nobel Prize for their efforts. Pure crystalline graphene is a wonder material a single atom thick. The 2D material is a million times thinner than a human hair.

Sustainability concrete psca

December 18, 2020

Portland Limestone Cement Makes Concrete Greener

Ton for ton, Portland Limestone Cement (PLC) performs much like ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Tests show that strength, durability and resilience are comparable. What is different is the 10 percent reduction in carbon emissions. The use of SCMs like fly ash or slag reduces a project’s carbon footprint even further.


December 04, 2020

ICFs and Hotel Construction

Insulated concrete forms (ICFs) and hotels are a perfect combination. Hotel developers value key attributes of ICF construction.

Concrete construction building

November 26, 2020

Bendable ECC Concrete for Infrastructure and More

Imagine the strength and durability of concrete. Now imagine that it bends - enough, at least, to absorb shock and reduce cracking. Bendable concrete intrigues researchers for many reasons. The possibilities for its use are many.

Mixer Trucks

November 12, 2020

Safe Rooms? Better Yet, Safe Houses!

Every year, hurricanes, tornadoes and winds from strong thunderstorms damage properties nationwide. There are fears that there will be more storms, and more severe storms, in the future. Through it all, there’s an overarching desire to keep people safe and secure with concrete. Going forward, concrete’s inherent mass and strength will only grow more attractive.

National museum of the american indian

October 29, 2020

Innovative Concretes Expand Design Horizons

With today’s innovative concretes, designers have more latitude. At the same time, these new formulations promote sustainability in ever more effective ways.

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PACA's Online e-Learning Center

The program is delivered in one (1) module and it should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.  You will receive a certificate of completion once you pass the quiz. The bookmarking feature will allow you to leave the course and resume where you left off when you return.

The Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association (PACA) is the industry’s unified voice, representing more than 200 member companies across the state.