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October 20, 2022

CCUS Mitigation Potential in Concrete

CCUS is an acronym you’ll see more of in the years to come. It stands for “Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage.” Some technologies capture and sequester CO2 before it enters the atmosphere. There are also technologies involving direct air capture. Direct injection into ready-mix concrete at the plant is another possibility.

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October 13, 2022

Ready Mix Concrete Market: Growth Forecast

The global concrete market consists of residential, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure sectors. Various analysts routinely project short and long-term trends, both domestically and globally. Population growth and higher living standards will drive growth in the concrete industry. The pace of such growth will remain robust through the middle of the century.


September 08, 2022

Incinerator Ash as a SCM: Meeting the Challenges

The disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) is a nationwide challenge. According to the EPA, total MSW in 2018 amounted to 292.4 million tons. That’s almost five pounds per person per day!
Less than a third of this waste gets recycled or composted. Fully half goes to landfills. A key component of MSW is the ash left over from incineration. It is commonly referred to as incinerator bottom ash (IBA).

Concrete Street

September 01, 2022

Cool Pavements = Cool Idea

Solar radiation management (SRM) is a discipline focused on reflectivity, mostly in urban areas. MIT’s Concrete Sustainability Hub (CS Hub) estimates that pavement covers about 40% of America’s cities.

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August 25, 2022

3D Printed Homes Gaining Ground

3D printed concrete (3DPC) construction offers a variety of benefits. Among them are design freedom, speedy construction, lower labor costs, and reduced waste.

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August 18, 2022

ICF Construction in 2022: Expanding Influence

Insulated concrete forms (ICFs) continue to establish a beachhead in an ongoing battle of building materials. The continuous insulation and thermal mass of ICFs deliver desired energy efficiency. Occupants value quiet, comfortable surroundings more than ever.

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July 28, 2022

Is Carbon Negative Concrete in Our Future?

All over the world, governments, industries and corporations look to 2050 as the year to achieve carbon neutrality.
More specifically, carbon neutrality is top-of-mind for many in the construction industry. And that’s good, since, according to the World Economic Forum, it accounts for 38% of global emissions. Worldwide, construction companies create another Paris every week.

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July 21, 2022

Role of IoT and AI on Concrete’s Road to Carbon Neutrality

What is the #1 industrial product produced by humanity every year? The answer is concrete – an estimated 10 billion cubic yards worth, weighing 20 billion tons. Unfortunately, this production comes at a price – roughly 2 billion tons of GHG emissions. Governments and industry insiders target these excess emissions in the ongoing quest for carbon neutrality.


June 09, 2022

Developments in Green Cement

According to McKinsey, global construction accounts for about a quarter of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Concrete is a significant contributor. It accounts for 4.5 percent of global GHG emissions and 7.0 percent of CO₂ emissions.

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June 02, 2022

Kilns, Calcination & Energy Efficiency

When it comes to carbon emissions, calcination in cement kilns remains the industry’s greatest challenge. First, fossil fuels remain the primary source of the extreme heat required. Second, the decarbonization of limestone releases large amounts of carbon dioxide.

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PACA's Online e-Learning Center

The program is delivered in one (1) module and it should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.  You will receive a certificate of completion once you pass the quiz. The bookmarking feature will allow you to leave the course and resume where you left off when you return.

The Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association (PACA) is the industry’s unified voice, representing more than 200 member companies across the state.