The leading voice for the crushed stone, ready mixed concrete, sand and gravel, and cement industries' community.
PELA is a 10-month hybrid program with online and in-person educational sessions and networking opportunities.
Careers in the Aggregates, Concrete & Cement Industries
The Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association (PACA) is the industry’s unified voice, representing more than 200 member companies across the state.
Creating a unified and strong voice for our industry.
PACA monitors and analyzes local, state and federal regulations and advocates for a balanced approach by the regulators.
PACA builds a bridge between our members and our partners at PennDOT, and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission along with Pennsylvania’s construction industry to further the use of our materials to the benefit of the commonwealth.
One of the most effective tools in government relations for an industry is a robust advocacy/grassroots strategy.
In the last legislative session, we contributed over $275,000 to our political champions.
November 2025 at Hotel Hershey in Hershey, PA (PACA members only event).
PACA offers comprehensive concrete certification programs for ACI, NRMCA, and PennDOT in the central Pennsylvania area.
Membership has its privileges - most of PACA's events are open to PACA members only.
PACA conducts numerous education and training events during the year.
Choose concrete for your next parking lot project.
Streets built with concrete are built to last, consider concrete for your next project.
Concrete's strong, resilient and the choice for your next building or bridge.
PACA works with the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) to convert your parking lot or building project to concrete without hurting your bottom line.
PACA drives a member-approved strategic plan to increase market share and engages specifiers and owners on the value of concrete in their projects.
This program provides free continuing education to the design and specifying communities. There are currently four courses available, ranging from 30 minutes to 60 minutes focused on the cement, aggregates and concrete industries. You'll receive a certificate of completion once you pass a quiz. The bookmarking feature allows you to leave the course and resume where you left off when you return.
ICFs are gaining traction in the market due to increased awareness among industry professionals and the public. Both groups find tremendous appeal in reduced energy consumption and disaster resistance.
Architects, designers and engineers see the benefits of ICF construction. These include safety, energy savings and longevity. For many projects, a cost-benefit analysis of ICFs is more persuasive than ever.
Delaware-based Global Market Insights estimates that the global ICF market exceeded $1 billion in 2018. It forecasts a 5.25 percent CAGR to 2025. By then, the market will grow to $1.6 billion.
Analysts expect polystyrene foam to continue to dominate the ICF market. The combined market for EPS and XPS should exceed $1 billion by 2025. Polystyrene foam possesses key properties vital to ICF applications. It is lightweight, rigid, impact resistant and recyclable. Air concentration exceeds 95 percent, making it an effective insulator.
According to McKinsey, construction represents approximately 13 percent of the global economy. As awareness of ICF advantages grows, so will global market penetration. ICF awareness is already quite high in both North America and Europe. Awareness remains somewhat lower in Asia and South America.
In the U.S., upscale homes were the first significant market for ICF construction. Today, entire developments of mid-price homes feature ICF walls. By 2026, the Portland Cement Association says 18 percent of U.S. single-family residences will include ICFs.
Early on, about 70 percent of ICF projects were single family residences. The other 30-percent were commercial and multifamily projects. Today, the range of projects grows as contractors embrace ICF tall-wall techniques. ICF construction is more common in hotels, retail centers and movie theaters.
The history of ICFs dates to the 1940s. Common building materials were in short supply. Resourceful builders fabricated walls from blocks of treated wood fibers and concrete. In the 1950s, chemical companies developed plastic insulating foam. In the 1960s, Canadian and European inventors further refined the concept.
ICFs are a simple solution to today’s more demanding energy mandates. Lightweight forms ship flat at modest cost. Erection of the forms is fast and easy.
ICFs with six-inch concrete cores typically have STC ratings of 50 and higher. Sound transmission is about one-fourth to one-eighth that of traditional wood-frame construction. ICF sound-blocking ability is quite an advantage in schools, residences and offices. ICF walls deliver superior resistance to the things that may plague wood walls. Rot, mold, mildew and insect infestation are all examples.
ICFs walls resist natural disasters better than typical wood-frame construction. They are also about twice as strong as their CMU counterparts. Resistance to high winds, floods and earth tremors are big pluses.
ICF walls resist flooding water far better than their traditional counterparts. The Weather Channel discusses the tremendous force of moving flood waters. Water moving at four mph can damage wood-framed walls. Water flowing at seven mph exerts as much surface force as EF5 tornadic winds.
Finally, resistance to hurricane-force winds is well-documented. Consider an ICF home in Marsh Harbor, Bahamas, that survived Dorian in 2019. The Cat-5 storm pummeled Grand Abaco Island with hurricane-force winds for 36 hours. Wind gusts exceeded 200 mph. The home survived it all.
To achieve the desired airtightness, wood-framed walls need extensive taping. Also, it must be meticulously applied. An ICF wall is a continuous concrete plane between layers of insulation. This monolithic structure is inherently airtight. Furthermore, the airtightness of a wood-framed structure may degrade over time. The integrity of the ICF wall remains intact, decade after decade.
One study commissioned by the ICFMA examined 49 ICF homes. Average airtightness was 1.26ACH@50. Compare this to an average air changes per hour (ACH) of 4.8 for the wood-framed homes in the study.
Throughout the United States and Canada, demands for verification of airtightness are growing. lower tests for new construction. ICF construction meets newer, more stringent codes with ease. A blower test is often required.
ICFs are known for their energy savings. Compared to traditional stud walls, they often deliver energy savings of 50 percent or more. Even a modest-sized ICF home generates significant energy savings. Compare a 2,000 square-foot wood frame home with an ICF home of the same size. A study commissioned by the Insulating Concrete Forms Manufacturers Association (ICFMA) estimates savings. In more northern climates, researchers estimate savings of $140-190 per month.
There are net-zero homes and zero-energy-ready homes. Net-zero homes have renewable energy systems that generate all energy requirements. Zero-energy ready homes can offset most or all energy needs with the addition of a renewable energy system. Utility credits and federal tax rebates often reduce the net cost of a zero energy ready home. ICFs deliver the return-on-investment (ROI) that stakeholders seek.
In the future, mandates for net-zero construction will only accelerate. ICF technology is well-positioned to deliver the energy savings demanded by more stringent codes. It complements renewable energy systems, including solar, wind and geothermal. ICF construction offers one of the cleanest paths to the coveted zero-energy-ready status.
A battery stores electrical energy and delivers it as needed. Similarly, an ICF wall absorbs heat energy and releases it later. An ICF wall is a “thermal battery” that resists temperature changes. The more pronounced the temperature change, the more helpful the effect.
As energy costs rise, “hours to equilibrium” becomes more and more important. ICF Builder graphs the differences between different kinds of exterior wall construction. The referenced test calculates 4.8 hours to equilibrium for a 2x6 wood stud wall. Compare this to the 144 hours to equilibrium for an ICF wall.
In one experiment detailed by Logix ICF, an R-24 ICF wall separated two sides of a test chamber. The temperature of one side was 70 degrees F, the other side, minus 31 degrees F - a 101-degree difference! The heat on the 70-degree side never cycled on for two full days. is a website of the Pennsylvania Aggregate and Concrete Association (PACA). Contact us today for further guidance regarding ICFs and energy-efficient construction.
February 22, 2024
Proficient carbon calculations are increasingly important as “Buy Clean” legislation proliferates. New York and Colorado are among the states that now require carbon calcs for public projects. An estimated 40% of emissions are from the built environment. According to one estimate, the planet’s total building floor area will double by 2060. This makes the concrete industry a key player in the quest for net-zero emissions products and projects.
February 15, 2024
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) notes that cement production is “so carbon intensive that even though cement makes up less than 15% of concrete by weight, it accounts for 90% of concrete’s carbon footprint.” The use of fossil fuels to fire cement kilns is a key source of these carbon emissions.
February 08, 2024
In the quest for reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, everyone has a role to play. In the concrete industry, this includes everyone from manufacturers to contractors, and from trade associations to governments. Here is a review of some of the major initiatives impacting concrete’s sustainability.
February 01, 2024
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) requires high-temperature calcination of limestone. It is possible to use various emissions-reducing pozzolans in concrete. Fly ash comes from coal-fired power plants. Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) comes from steel mills. Another SCM is metakaolin derived from kaolin.
The program is delivered in one (1) module and it should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. You will receive a certificate of completion once you pass the quiz. The bookmarking feature will allow you to leave the course and resume where you left off when you return.