Below is crucial information regarding your upcoming ACI Exam:
If you are registered for the March exam in Lititz, please access the information below.
Please carefully read and review all the provisions of the below waiver and release noting that you freely and knowingly assume the risk of attending this event/certification exam and waive your rights concerning liability as described above by either checking the appropriate box during the online registration process or by signing and returning the form below to PACA staff.
PACA has implemented the following preventative health and safety measures for our event, which includes asking all attendees to wear a face mask while inside and not actively eating or drinking; to complete a health screening regardless of vaccination status; and to follow all applicable CDC and local guidance, especially related to social distancing, as well as any host facility guidelines.
If you have any questions about the health and safety requirements, please contact a PACA staff member.
All attending will be required to fill out a health questionnaire upon arrival at the event/certification exam and to notify PACA staff if there are any changes to your answers during the event/exam. The attendee's signature on the questionnaire document certifies that (1) their answers to the questions on the form are true and accurate at the time of completing and submitting this document, (2) they will notify PACA if their answers change at any time during the multiple-day event, (3) if their answers change at any time during the multiple-day event or if they experience any symptoms of COVID-19, they will leave the facility and will not return unless they satisfy applicable CDC guidelines, and (4) they have not taken a fever-reducing medication within 24 hours prior to their temperature check.
All attending will be required to have a temperature check prior to entering the facility.
Also, please note that all attendees are asked to follow applicable hygiene protocols recommended by the CDC, which may include washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds; covering coughs and sneezes (with appropriate tissue disposal and hand sanitation); and maintaining social distancing of at least six feet. In addition, attendees are required to wear a cloth mask that covers their nose and mouth in accordance with CDC guidelines. If attendees have any questions about the health and safety requirements, they are asked to please contact a PACA staff member onsite.
All who attend PACA events/certification exams, by checking the waiver box or signing the waiver form, agree that they will comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, orders and guidance as well as any PACA policies relating to health and safety (the “Guidelines”) at the event/exam regardless of their vaccination status. They acknowledge that their failure to comply with any of the Guidelines may result in their removal from the event/exam and its premises. If they are removed from the event/exam due to such noncompliance, they understand they will forfeit any registration, conference, or other fees they paid to attend the event/exam.